All these SEO packages are strategized based on the research and making sure that the services work effectively for any niche and any targeted country.


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Timeline for pages

Timeline for pages is a great opportunity to take your facebook business pages to a next level. Increase your fans and conversion rate with the help of timeline for page now.

Friday, December 30, 2016

Digital Marketing Outsourcing - Should I? or Shouldn’t I?

With the evolution of modern technologies, the whole world is shifting from analog to digital. Therefore, business organizers who haven’t yet considered digital marketing techniques need to adapt fast to keep up with the rest of the trade.

Digital Marketing Outsourcing

The moment you have decided to go for online marketing, you should decide on how to market your business. It is not easy to decide whether to hire an in-house team or to outsource digital marketing and SEO overseas. When asked for opinions, many entrepreneurs approve the merits of outsourcing digital marketing while others had horrible experience. This research based article will provide you an insight on the nightmares of outsourcing and let you decide on whether or not to outsource your digital marketing. To know more details visit

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Google now offers download, details, symptoms & lot more for health related searches

"This is an excellent update by Google" quoted one of the frequent searchers of Google.  The search results pulls authentic data from trusted sources and even offer a download option in pdf format. Here is a search made for "Alcohol Withdrawal" for which you can see about "alcohol withdrawal", "symptoms of withdrawal", "A chart on how the Age Groups are affected" and a downloadable pdf file. To know more details visit

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Google announce Rich Cards for Local restaurants & online Courses

Subsequent to the introduction of rich cards for Menu & Recipes earlier in May 2016, Google yesterday announced that they are expanding rich cards to Local restaurant and Online Courses.
Google Rich CardsRich Cards & Search Impact
To Know More Details Visit.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Penguin 4.0 – Google Penalty, 2016 September Update

Google rolled out Penguin 4.0 algorithm update

Penguin Algorithm Update 4.0

Google recently rolled out Penguin 4.0 algorithm update on 23rd September, 2016, which will impact search results real-time and at page levels. Penguin 4.0 Google algorithm update is based on page level backlinks rather than the entire site as it was used to be in the previous updates. For e.g. if an inner section or a particular page is linked from a relevant high quality webpage, it will rank on the SERP’s no matter the home page is ranked or not. It is the vice versa for a link from Spammy or manipulated page.

The aim is to catch internet perpetrators who spam the web by buying back links to get a boost in search engine ranks. Every new update of Penguin algorithm has been either to make the internet stricter or to allow websites that have been working to remove bad links to retain ranking. The 4.0 update now allows for these changes to be in real time, take effect much faster and be more granular. A good thing about the Penguin 4.0 is that Google will now be able to devalue just spam, based on unique spam signals and not affect the whole website.

Google Penguin 4.0 Impact

Impact of Penguin 4.0 algorithm

The basic difference that the Penguin 4.0 update is that changes will be “real time”. Thus, the moment a bad link is pointed to your site, the repercussions will show immediately and as soon as you remove the same, things (ranking) will get back to normal. However, if you have been trying to use unethical tactics that are supposed to boost ranking, this Penguin 4.0 update will catch up really fast and you may not be able to use the same tactics for a considerable amount of time again. The aim of Penguin 4.0 is best described as a means to “catch spam link profiles as quickly as possible and keep low quality sites from ranking well in search results”. Therefore, it now becomes compulsory for websites to regularly audit links and also perform cleanups immediately, when necessary, to be in the game.

More on Google Penguin 4.0 Penalty

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Advantages of PPC and a Comparison among the top platforms

Top 3 PPC platforms for your next business investment

In the past decade, internet has played a crucial role how businesses and individuals choose to share information. For online businesses, there has been an increased focus on inbound marketing techniques and businesses are still discovering the several advantages of publishing unique and enriching content on a regular basis. This change in internet marketing has also been ably supported by the rise of social media and preference towards blogging. In this context, SEO (search engine marketing) and PPC (Pay per Click) have proved to be the most effective lead generation tools.

Pay per Click or PPC is best described as an internet marketing model wherein a business/brand/company places an advertisement on popular internet platforms to gain quality leads. The business aspect of this strategy lies in an agreement where businesses pay for every click generated from the hosting platform. PPC comes with several advantages: 

1. Instant traffic: Placing advertisements on top of search engines like Google offers immediate results wherein the end user notices the brand/product in the search result page.

2. Complete control: Campaign marketers are in total control over the ad copy, the destination URL and the keywords that will be associated with the ad.

3. Less Impacted by algorithm updates: PPC advertisements are less impacted compared to the organic search results.

4. Complete dominance: PPC campaigns will allow brands to dominate both the natural and paid search results triggered by specific search engine queries.

5. Targeting audience: Keying in relevant keywords ensures that your brand gets the right amount of exposure whenever a related search is performed. Consequently, you can expect to get the highest quality leads who would be interested in the website’s offerings, products, services and subscriptions.

Today, every online marketer knows the importance of PPC. However, one can get quite confused when choosing between the various PPC platforms and tools. There are several popular networks that entertain and attract advertising dollars. But not all of them are reliable enough to invest in. Here are the top 3 PPC platforms used by online businesses globally: To know more details visit.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Limitations of Mobile friendly websites and how to avoid them

Thinking out of the box and stay updated to the changes

The last few years has seen a surge in mobile web designing. The implications have increased further after Google came up with the April 21st update that aims to penalize websites that haven’t been turned responsive. However, one must understand that mobile web designing isn’t just about a website or an application but a range of options and choices to be made. Responsive website designing can be tricky and comes with many limitations. However, there are also ways of getting over and presenting your audience a qualitative and profitable experience.

1. No ‘hover’ functionality

Until now, developers haven’t been able to integrate the ‘mouse hover’ experience on mobile websites and we don’t see it coming in the recent future either. This can pose challenges in designing pages that have a lot of dynamic content / links. The best solution will be to go for nested sub-sections and child pages. Gesture response (swipe, shake and touch) too can be ably integrated into the mobile website to stick close to the desktop website experience.

2. Slow / error-prone typing

Mobile typing is always slow and quite prone to errors. Lengthy forms can be a problem in this case. The situation is typically common to subscriptions, banking websites and other platforms that require a lot of information and fields to be filled up. The only way out to make mobile websites user-friendly is to keep forms and fields to the minimum. Ask for as little information as you can. Another complimenting solution would be to integrate social logins that extracts data from the social accounts of the user.

3. Minimum context

Smaller devices have resulted in reduced contexts to great extents. This makes is more difficult for end users to get a complete overview of pages. The smaller the screen, the lengthier is the information. For users tying to gets news updates, go through blogs or brand information, going through the context can be quite time consuming. Also, if there are images and other graphics embedded into the content, the loading time increases and so does the page length. Popular solutions to this include fixed headers as one scrolls down, sub-parts of the content, etc. overall, web designers need to creak the content into readable bits. Also, only a quality piece of content would inspire the reader to go through the complete story/information.

4. Inaccurate clicks

Users interact with mobile device using touch and scrolling. However, using fingertips to click on links can be erroneous. The popular “fat finger problem’ can leads to accidental clicks and unwanted results. For mobile friendly web designers, the solution would be to manage the proximity and size of all clickable elements. No two links must be placed side by side, whatever be the screen dimensions. Control bars and navigation too should be manually handled when developing a responsive website

5. Slow connections

Mobile users are constantly in ‘the move’ but this can be challenging when it comes to internet connectivity. While it’s true that website owners have no power over network connections, slow loading pages can also be accounted by heavy pages, full of graphics and dynamic content. The way out would be to lower your website’s download footprint. Light pages can load themselves even on slower connections. Dispose everything that the mobile user’s isn’t necessarily looking for, including flash graphics, animations, videos, heavy page backgrounds, etc.

6. Slow hardware

Smart phones have proved to be revolutionary devices but they haven’t still been able to overpower the traditional desktop in terms of hardware. As a result, page initializations in mobile device can be really slow in some devices. The solution lies in good programming skills. Deferred java scripting and a liberal usage of hardware and accelerated CSS can solve the problem to a great extent.

While these are the common problems, the list isn’t exhaustive. New devices are coming out every day and innovation is posing new challenges or the UI teams of web design and development services. However, this is also coupled up with new solutions to manage responsiveness. Thinking out of the box and staying updated to the changes is the only way to please the audience. For more details visit.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Beginners Guide to Local Business Digital Marketing: Citations

Reach out to every possible platform with citations

Businesses looking to make a mark in their local landscape need to take into account several different aspects of digital marketing. The internet provides an overwhelming amount of information and one can easily get lost if it doesn’t use some very specialized practices in building the local SEO. Apart from having a strong, qualitative and responsive website with adequate social media presence, ‘citations’ is another important strategy to invest in.

Simply put, local business citation is about listing websites in directories and other platforms that end users regularly seek to find information. Also referred to as NAP (Name, Address, Place), this information will allow potential customer and clients to know more about the business. Nap might also include web addresses (URL), company logo, email addresses, fax numbers, etc. The amount of information is entirely dependent upon the company and the products/services it supports.

To use citations as a powerful SEO tool, it’s crucial that it is 100% consistent across all the directories that the company has registered itself onto. Mismatch in phone number, address, etc doesn’t just confuse customers and clients but also adversely affects the credibility of the business. According to a business report by Moz, citations can account for more than 15.5% of all local optimization elements that govern the overall ranking of the website in search engines. Businesses that have been able to establish their citation / NAP in established directories like Yelp or Yellow Pages add to the SEO. In other words, citations help search engine bots confirm that the business is what it claims to be. Consistent citations make it more comfortable and convenient for Google and other search engines to display the information to its users. It is impossible to consistently fake business identities as all local business for a part of a crowd sourced online community. The more platforms that the business is registered/recognized in, the greater is the chance for its being listed in local search. To know more details visit.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Google Penalty and website hacking - Diagnosis and fixes

Google Penalty is a common nightmare for anyone in the online publishing business.

Be it a blog or a product retailer, Google Penalty will ensure that you aren’t in business anymore. It basically results in a drop in your website’s SERP ranking and when you aren’t showing up in the first couple of pages or search results, it means no one will be able to find your content. Now, with so many visitors across the globe, online businesses cannot afford even an hour of letdown. A lost audience can have drastic consequences in this age of cut-throat competition. However, keep calm and go through the rest of this blog!

Understanding a Google Penalty

Google Penalty occurs whenever a website has been completely or partially removed from the index searches and the search rankings have significantly dropped due to ‘algorithm spam’. With algorithm requirements getting stricter with updates like Penguin, the Webspam team is on its toes. Google Penalty is attached to websites and web pages that are found to have manipulated the use of specific keyword(s).

This might be reasoned either by a knowing risk taken by the website designer or as a result of hacking and other malicious software. For more details please visit.

Monday, July 25, 2016

7 Easy Steps To Attract the Millennial Students Using Digital [Infographic]

Google Advertising: Your Pathway to Academic Excellence

As we all know, we have advanced into the 5th month of the year 2016. And this season is best known for admissions across the world for the academic year 2016 – 2017. Almost 65% of the parents would have already started searching for the best institutions since the beginning of 2016 while most wait for their Public Exam results to decide their destiny.

Institutions which are well aware of the Parent/Student mentality have already started promoting their courses through Newspapers, Television Channels, Exhibitions, etc. to maximize their admissions.

However, while looking at the current scenario, it is notable that most colleges never meet its Admission Goals and often end up losing its stance in the long run. But there is always a solution even to the toughest question that was thought impossible.

Let me introduce you to the New Age of Digital Advertising by leveraging the full benefits of Google by shining on top Search Engine Results Page. For more details visit.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Free Tools

1. Google Penalty Recovery and Prevention Manual

Worth $14, FREE at SIM

A must have guide for all webmasters and internet marketers

What's inside?
  •     What is a Penalty?
  •     Types of Penalties
  •     The left, right & Centre of Algorithmic Penalties
  •     Google Manual Penalty explained
  •     Symptoms and diagnosis of Penalties
  •     The cure aftermath and prevention of future penalties
In these days of Google manual and algorithmic penalties, it is very important to protect your sites from Google penalty and recover in case of penalty

This free e-book covers all about Google algorithmic and manual penalties, their effects, prevention of penalties and step by step procedure to recover from penalty

Download the e-book now and keep the Google fauna away! Click here

2. Free Manual Backlink Audit by Experts

Free Manual backlink Audit Service by Google experts. Get your backlinks analyzed by experts for free. Get backlink reports in 24 hours. Report includes bad domains, network domains, irrelevant sites, foreign language sites, low quality article, bookmarking sites.

Free Backlink Audit

We are happy to announce this free backlink audit which will provide you an idea on how Good/bad your backlinks are. This manual backlink analysis is performed by Google experts and is a no obligation service which does not need any payment information. Yes, it comes 100% free. Download your backlinks from the Google webmaster tools as .csv file and upload it here.

The free backlink audit is limited to 100 URL’s 25 domains max. You have to upload the latest backlinks from Google WMT and no other source as third party backlink tools such as ahrefs etc. may pull out a list of backlinks which are not relevant to Google rankings. Get A FREE BackLink Audit

3. Free Website Analysis

For Free Website Analysis Visit

4. Responsive Check

Mobile Internet Users Are On The Rise !

How does your website currently look on mobile devices ?

Go ahead! See It Yourselves... Check

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Google X hatched a new Logo to its Moonshot Incubator

Ever wondered how a logo can make all the difference?

The Launch…

Since the recent new formation by the parent company Alphabet, lots of changes are taking place within its subsidiaries. It all started by rebranding these subsidiaries with an even more superior identity. Google Ventures changed its name to GV, Google Life Science as Verily, and finally, Google X is now called “X” which is the secretive moonshot lab of Google.

The Lab…

This Lab is where all the ideas are brought to reality through a new group called Foundry. It is best known for the products such as the Google Glass (wearable screen), Loon (internet-beaming balloons), and Wing (Delivery Drones). The newly branded name is represented by an epic 3D yellow X logo. This subsidiary is set on foot to drive innovations that believe in shaping the world to a better place where technology dwells.

The Fact…

Rebranding is no ordinary thing as it involves redefining the most important aspects of the company to skyrocket its business to greater heights. The completely rebranded “Logo” is what identifies the business’s position in the market and creates a massive hype across the globe just like Google did. This means opportunity!

To create a design, it takes a lot of creativity and artistic stamina to deliver something that punches the prowess of the business in the market. There are several companies which designs logos, websites, and other elements. But to create something that speaks volumes about the organization or a business, only the experts in the industry can do it.


SIM is one of the companies that houses design experts with experience over a decade in the industry. We have worked on diverse projects which involves Branding, Promoting, and Advertising the businesses on Google to help businesses establish a powerful brand that sees only results once they partner with us.