Google rolled out Penguin 4.0 algorithm update

Google recently rolled out Penguin 4.0 algorithm update on 23rd September, 2016, which will impact search results real-time and at page levels. Penguin 4.0 Google algorithm update is based on page level backlinks rather than the entire site as it was used to be in the previous updates. For e.g. if an inner section or a particular page is linked from a relevant high quality webpage, it will rank on the SERP’s no matter the home page is ranked or not. It is the vice versa for a link from Spammy or manipulated page.
The aim is to catch internet perpetrators who spam the web by buying back links to get a boost in search engine ranks. Every new update of Penguin algorithm has been either to make the internet stricter or to allow websites that have been working to remove bad links to retain ranking. The 4.0 update now allows for these changes to be in real time, take effect much faster and be more granular. A good thing about the Penguin 4.0 is that Google will now be able to devalue just spam, based on unique spam signals and not affect the whole website.
Google Penguin 4.0 Impact
The basic difference that the Penguin 4.0 update is that changes will be “real time”. Thus, the moment a bad link is pointed to your site, the repercussions will show immediately and as soon as you remove the same, things (ranking) will get back to normal. However, if you have been trying to use unethical tactics that are supposed to boost ranking, this Penguin 4.0 update will catch up really fast and you may not be able to use the same tactics for a considerable amount of time again. The aim of Penguin 4.0 is best described as a means to “catch spam link profiles as quickly as possible and keep low quality sites from ranking well in search results”. Therefore, it now becomes compulsory for websites to regularly audit links and also perform cleanups immediately, when necessary, to be in the game.
More on Google Penguin 4.0 Penalty