Experian's report on search engines’ ranking caught our attention, and we present here their data for four rolling weeks ending September 8, 2012. This analysis is predominantly based on U.S. and statistical conclusions surrounding that region alone. We have presented them as charts and tables for an easier interpretation.

Google tops the list of top search engines, ranked based on the total visits and percentage of visit shares to the domain. Bing comes second and the ratio scale of the total visits between Google and Bing is approximately 7:1. Google remains king as always, while Bing has managed to kick back Yahoo. Meanwhile, this was not the case in August 2011, when Bing occupied the third position and Yahoo the second and Google as always the first, as per Comcast. Microsoft leads Bing in the right path, good marketing strategies are being followed by them, for example, the recent “Bing it on” challenge, and definitely all their effort shows of. Yet it has to travel so far, as per the data, statistically seven times more effort should be put moving forward. Below are charts depicting the above data provided in the table.

Google tops the list of top search engines, ranked based on the total visits and percentage of visit shares to the domain. Bing comes second and the ratio scale of the total visits between Google and Bing is approximately 7:1. Google remains king as always, while Bing has managed to kick back Yahoo. Meanwhile, this was not the case in August 2011, when Bing occupied the third position and Yahoo the second and Google as always the first, as per Comcast. Microsoft leads Bing in the right path, good marketing strategies are being followed by them, for example, the recent “Bing it on” challenge, and definitely all their effort shows of. Yet it has to travel so far, as per the data, statistically seven times more effort should be put moving forward. Below are charts depicting the above data provided in the table.

Direct Search Toppers:
The table below shows the list of top websites that are most visited most next to search engines.

Facebook, the social media king ranks first here with 6.83% click through rate. Youtube, the most viewed video channel ever follows Facebook. But the difference between the click through rate of Facebook and Youtube is approximately 2:1. Again Facebook gets twice as much direct entry into their site compared to Youtube.
Google Search Term Toppers:

The above table gives the data regarding the top search terms used in Google search, the search percentage and success rate for each. Note that - “craigslist” – keyword ranks higher than yahoo mail. Gmail’s overtaking Yahoo’s mail service altogether? Success Rate for all top Google Search keywords are more than 80%, which is a really good score. Google is not only able to maintain its top position through years, but also strives at providing its users with appropriate data they are in need of. Below is a pie-chart for the same data.

This information is presented by SubmitINme.com – The leader in SEO and social media marketing.